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Welcome fellow Coordinators! This is my Pokemon Ruby playthrough

Huh? What's a coordinator you say? A pokemon trainer that specializes in Contests of course! In this playthrough I want to focus on the Contest part of the Hoenn games since I haven't really played with it much, even though I adore it. And in order to do this I prepared a very special team. But before that I want to explain how I'm gonna advance through the game, because gym badges are mandatory in order to proceed I've made it so every 2 badges I have to participate in Contests. Because there are 4 categories of contests and 8 badges this is a perfect fit! My team consists of 5 pokemon, each carefully trained for a specific category and a "Coach" pokemon, which will be participating in most gym battles and will serve as a sort of mentor for the rest of the team (since it will be a higher level and all that)

  • Treecko (Canela)

  • Wurmple-> Silcoom (AOVE)

  • Spoink (Pimienta)

  • Solrock (Almendra)

  • Goldeen (Almibar)

  • Duskull (Maicena)

The story so far...